


Министерство образования Республики Беларусь Nanomeeting - 2011 Микроэлектроника


Министерство образования Республики Беларусь Nanomeeting - internatiol conference Национальная академия наук Беларуси Государственный комитет по науке и технологиям ВАК - Высшая аттестационная комиссия


25.09.2023 - 29.09.2023 
Saratov, Russia
Organized by
Saratov State University (National Research University of Russia) (SSU)
Department of Physical Sciences of the RAS
International Research-Educational Center of Optical Technologies for Industry and Medicine “Photonics”, SSU
Science Medical Center, SSU
Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms, FRC “Saratov Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (IBPPM RAS)
Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control, FRC “Saratov Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (IPMC RAS)
Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky
Volga Region Center of New Information Technologies, SSU
National Research Tomsk State University (NRTSU)
Tomsk State University (TSU)
ITMO University
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU)
Institute of Solid State Physics of the RAS (ISSP RAS)
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the RAS (GPI RAS)
А.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, FRC “Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences”
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)
Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of the RAS (IUHFSE RAS)
Biomedical Photonics Committee of Chinese Optical Society, China
SPIE Student Chapter of SSU, BMSTU, ISSP RAS, and Samara University
OPTICA Student Chapter of SSU and BMSTU
The main goal of SFM'23 is to present and discuss the latest advances in the field of biophysics of optical and laser technologies in biology and medicine, fine mechanics and control of optical and physiological properties of tissues and cells, coherent optics of random and ordered media, materials and environmental sciences, nonlinear dynamics of laser systems, laser physics, spectroscopy and molecular modeling, nanophotonics and nanobiophotonics.

Made in nanoelectronics Center and New Materials, SRD BSUIR, commissioned by  Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.