Kharkiv Quantum Seminar
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics
Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The host city for the Quantum Seminar is Kharkiv, where we have a number of research institutions and universities with many researchers actively working in the field of quantum science and technology.
The aims of the seminar are the following:
to bring together Ukrainian and foreign scientists, specialists in Quantum Physics;
to sustain motivation and enthusiasm of Ukrainian physicists;
to motivate and educate the young generation of Ukrainian students and researchers.
Next event:
December 19, 2023, Time: 16.00 (Kyiv time, EET)
Sub-wavelength lattices for ultracold atoms
Scheduled Seminars
Jan. 9, 2024, Artem Volosniev (Institute of Science and Technology, Vienna)
Jan. 23, 2024, Olexandr Isayev (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh)
Feb. 6, 2024, Michael Berry (University of Bristol)
Feb. 20, 2024, Jan Kunes (Masaryk University, Brno)