


Министерство образования Республики Беларусь Nanomeeting - 2011 Микроэлектроника


Министерство образования Республики Беларусь Nanomeeting - internatiol conference Национальная академия наук Беларуси Государственный комитет по науке и технологиям ВАК - Высшая аттестационная комиссия

IX International Scientific Conference: "Fullerenes and Nanostructures in Condensed Matter"

   Minsk, Belarus
The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
The Russian Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus
The Ministry of Education and Science
Russian Federation
The Standing Committee of the Union State
Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine
The State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus
A. V. Luikov Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer. NAS of Belarus
Educational center «PROFI»   
Subjects of the Conference:
1. Fullerenes, carbon clusters, fullerenelike structures and nano-structures.
2. Physical and chemical principles of fullerenes performance, fullerenecontaining materials and fullerenelike structures.
3. Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of fullerenes and fullerenecontaining materials.
4. Methods and equipment of synthesis and analysis of fullerenes, fullerenecontaining materials and fullerenelike structures.
5. Application of fullerenes and fullerenecontaining materials.
6. Fullerenes and fullerenelike structures in educational process. 

Made in nanoelectronics Center and New Materials, SRD BSUIR, commissioned by  Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.